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JoKeRs ObLiViOn @peacefulsniper

Age 34, Male


http://www.brysi. com

Pottstown ,PA

Joined on 9/25/08

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Final Fantasy VII is an excellent game and the series is overall a solid franchise. Ocarina Of Time was a good game but I prefer Majora's Mask over it any day. I think they haven't remade Final Fantasy VII because Square Enix is afraid to disappoint their fans but hey they gambled on Kingdom Hearts and look at what it became. To sum things up I will always be a Zelda fan; you just can't beat the classics.

yea i will admit zelda has decent games but they arnt all that good. final fantasy has its flaws and crap games like 12 but thats about it. i just dont like how its gets so muc hpye because its a crappy nitendo game and every little nitendo fan boy just thinks nitendo is a godes and they want to have sex with nitendo like mario is the world. platformers suck. mario is ok.

What is with you and run on sentences and curses?

Cursing like a sailor and using grammar like a 5 year old does NOT make you look good. I hate Final Fantasy 7 just because of your fail.

wow who gives a crap if i put a period after my sentences on the internet. i swear i run into every master degree in english language on this site. i dont care if i can type write or anyhting like that dosent define who i am.

I highly doubt you're 18.Oh yeah,no more google searching of random birth certificates.


haha im a immature 18 year old. sorry i dont qualify or go by this standard 18 years olds have to be. what is every 18 year old not have any kid in them or boring and boring and boring. sorry im me and act immature on the internet. life is life im me and love me hahaha lvoe all peeps.

You're a little bitch who lies through his teeth.


Caps lock is cruise control for cool.

haha thanks for the comment. haha. i enjoyed reading it. i now am in love with you. i love all the members of NG all such nice people.

I think I might be able to tell people as to why Zelda holds such popularity. Well as you know Zelda debuted in the same century as Mario did A.K.A. the NES era. Now this is also the debut era of the first Final Fantasy game. Zelda set the bar for the adventure genre with it's puzzles, monsters, items, and above all secrets. The game garnered so much success a sequel was made. This sequel would be the worst Zelda game produced by Nintendo (excluding the CDi Zelda games which were even more horrendous). This sequel would be The Legend of Zelda II: Link's Adventure. It flopped because of it straying from it's original gameplay and at the time Final Fantasy made a debut. However the map system in Zelda II is ominously similar to early Final Fantasy titles. Final Fantasy was lauded for its gameplay as it was one gamers in America had not seen. Yet the Zelda series took advantage of the mobile gaming era or the Gameboy. Yet Square couldn't take advantage due to it's games' intricate character pallets and sound. Final Fantasy was left in the dark while Nintendo produced handheld Zelda games. Two of which are co-developed by Capcom. The best of the three was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Final Fantasy had success with Super Nintendo and on. Zelda had been brought to 3-D on the N64 which excited gamers around the world. The interactive world of Zelda was even more interactive. Square jumped on the bandwagon of N64's rival the Sony Playstation. This system would hold the most successful RPG, Final Fantasy VII. Zelda is loved today because of the Old Skool concept and innovations made in the game are made just enough not to overshadow the original gameplay. A Final Fantasy release isn't exactly big to the casual gamer because to them it is another brick in the wall. Yet true fans are sure to have something to clamor about. Square Enix took a risk bringing FF's turn-based system to a more real-time combat system. Yet these FF games sought great success on the PS2 along with its remastered versions created for the Gameboy Advance. Gamers love Zelda for the longevity and a game that truly made an impact on Nintendo. Gamers love Final Fantasy for its unique gameplay and deeply engraved stories. Both very prominent and great series. In fact during the Super Nintendo era Nintendo and Square collaborated to make the lesser known Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. A great work of art due to the teamwork of two great gaming companies. So I say why compare blatently and enjoy both.

i thank you for that comment. but you say noone gets excited when a new final; fatasy game comes out thats a joke and untrue. i mean look at ff13 and 14 those games are going to make 2010 one of the best years for video games. ff7 is the best game of all time. zelda is boring its the same thing over nad over. you get a sword shield and stupid grapling hook. you dont get new swords i mean like 4 swords the whole game. final fantasy 7-10 are very great games. zelda had one decent game and thats all. but thanks for your thoughts about the subject but you havent said which one you liked better?? which is it?


what is what?? please clearify what oyu are talking about?

You're going to hate me but I am a Zelda fan. I didn't expect to change your mind it was moreso to tell other users why both can't be equal in gaming history. I wanted to give you a basis for my reasons. I like Zelda because the game never changes and is timeless. Final Fabtasy was never introduced to me as a kid which I am actually pissed at. As a kid I knew of Final Fantasy but I never did understand how to play the game. Turn-based gameplay was new but strange to me. In summary Iike Zelda more.

P.S. Thanks for putting my comment in your post. It flattered me, really.

hey if you like zelda more thats fine with me 100%. you are who you are and i dont want to change what games you like and dont like. zelda isnt bad i like it just not more then final fantasy 7 or 10, the newest zelda for the wii i have to say was horrible. im glade i was a kid and got to play final fatasy maybe thats why i like it so much i grew up playing it. ive grew up playing nitedno then moved on to play station then xbox. ive played just about every single final fantasy game from 1,2,3,7,8,9,20,10/2,12, will play 13. ive played a few zelda games and liked them but not that much. i think we can agree RPG'S are the best games. from fallout 3 to oblivon, bioshock, to zelda, final fantasy, star ocean and so amny more. RPGS are the best.

and no problem about that you gave the best answer so i show repsect and give you credit.

Sonic is not gay oh and also Zelda's better I think once I picked up the controler I coulden't put it down and ever day at school I would think about the game and when I would come home I played 3 hours with no pooty breaks and man did it hurt.

sonic games suck im sorry. nothing good every came from sonic.

Scruffydog90 = God

furrydemon = god

Zelda is better, mainly because I understood the game's point better than FF. Im talking the whole series, not just 1 game

that just makes you stupid if you cant handle a complex storyline haha another stupid zelda fan.

i forgot, how can u be a peaceful sniper?

its just a little contradiction i thought of i dont even know how i came up with the name lol. im peaceful dont like war or violence but i like sniper rifles i know its weird but o well.

I still play FF7 sometimes on my PS1. It's the best game ever made. :D

you are very correct.

I didn't even read it, but you said final fantasy and THAT my friend is awesome.

haha it sur is my good friend it sure is.

I dont now FF7 was one of the best FF up there with 10, but Zelda OOT is one of the top zelda games out.

zelda oot is zeldas best game but its not bettter ff7 or ff10.

I don think nintendo is god. besides that i like halo. Im not to play "M" games anymore which sucks, PS3 is too expensive, so that elimates 2 out of 3 systems. im stuck with nintendo and im actually more of a school nerd.

to be honest i played 1 ff game. ill try ff7 out if i get the chance. i played the ff game around 10.

youll need a ps1 or ps2 and about $40+ to get the game depends go to amazon or ebayif you can game is a little hard to get.

Belive it or not it was a big hit and people still like sonic. I know your trying to stand up and protect your title but come on man sonic good ITS NOT GREAT but I'll give you this......Final Fantasy is better then sonic in alot of ways.......and you can take that to the bank.

haha i just see sonic as a little girl or boy game its not that great. but if you like it thats cool i dont care if you do but ill sure take it to the bank haha. i dont mean i dont care about your opinion i mean i dont mind that you like sonic.

I liked FF7 crisi core on the PSP that was awsome.
I dont like sonic not my type.

i dont have a psp and havent played that yet but i want to. yea sonic isnt my type of game either.

ogm i lub naruto 2!

Hehe, I just learned a good lesson today. If you talk about Final Fantasy VI, people will listen.

(At Fedex Kinkos Water Cooler)
Me: Hey Bob how about that Final Fantasty?!
Bob: Great game; play it every day!
Me: Fantastic! Now about that cancer eating away at your joints.
Bob: I have cancer?!
Me: You've had it for awhile. You wouldn't listen to me. It's fourth stage malignant, Bob.
Bob: For the love of God I'm going to die!
Me: Fantastic!

haha you should pbulish that i would buy that book.

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