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I got the game not today, but these are my thoughts on the game.
I like it alot one of the best if not the best arcade game. It's fun just running around and leveling up, getting new swords, pets, and characters. I completed the game and had alot of fun in doing so. You should play it with more then one player its alot better that way. There are many glitches in the game but they don't harm you, or make you not be able to advance in the game. It's a leveling up gltich, can get you to level 99 very fast, and there is a gltich to get you to 256. The ranked achievements are a bit hard to get so i only got 185 in the game out of 200. I would highly recomend this game to all, it's fun to play and in my opinion not worth 1200 thats alot but o well i would still buy it like i have. Go get it and help out newgrounds and have some fun. I haven't gotten the chance to play alien hominid yet so leave your thoughts on that game.
go get aids
your sister already gave them to me.