"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know i'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean." http://www.brysi.com

JoKeRs ObLiViOn @peacefulsniper

Age 34, Male


http://www.brysi. com

Pottstown ,PA

Joined on 9/25/08

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The Master mind series needs to really end!!!

Posted by peacefulsniper - August 1st, 2009

I mean the very first master mind he had to use a boob icon to get people to want to watch it. When you need to sell sex or use woemn to seel your product i will think it's pointless and will not like it. Then you acually watch the flashes and they are very dull and boring. They drag on and bore the hell out of you, kinda use some of the same stuff. The only thing it has is good animation other then that its boring and not funny. You can tell a bunch of no life uninteresting people visit newgrounds when they like those flashes. You people are boring and unfunny, and like some stupid stuff. At least he isn't like Stamper all that no life fag does is stupid sex flashes, guy must be lonley and have no girls in his lfie.


Just because no one likes you doesn't mean you have to give advice how to make other people dislike others. Keep that skill for those who ask for it.

just die please.

Lol, thanks for the life link, I bought the company.

yea you do need that many so i'm glade to help you out. hope you can help the others on this site and the millions tha need them in this world.

Huh, you're a huge jerk. ^__^

But thats ok, not everyone was born nice. I know you might reply rudely to me, but thats ok, I just wanted you to know that.. well yea(As I said), you're a jerk : D

i am rude because it's truth that i speak of. One im completly right about stamper, two Mastmind is boring. Those are my thoughts and opinions about those two things. The thing about the people on newgrounds is a bit true as well, you guys like some stupid crap, like hentai, it gets so many views it's pathetic. I'm not always a jerk, acually im a very nice person, you just don't know me. So before you make a snape judgement call of a person ith out knwing them then don't speak. Get to know the real zach not a blog I happen to post on a web site. Any ways thanks for you're time and comment.


Goddamn I wish there was an English class that would take you in.

Haha yet another grammer nazi. I swear every kid on Newgrounds finished collgege with a master degree in english.

Well I find it funny how you say YOU GUYS like we are the KKK or some kind of CLAN were arent! We are different we are all people on the net, I am not a jerk, sadly you're the jerk, you assume we are all jerks so you are automatically mean to us before you even know us, that is actually really hypocritical i hope you know, if you think all newground users are rude, then you should just consider yourself a newground user cause you are pretty damn rude dude.

Anyway, opinions are good but its also fact that is good, because you judge someone by identity, get to know them, like you said I should get to know you before I judge you, so why does it give you the 'ok' to judge my identity without knowing me?

That just reads HYPOCRITE to me.

BTW If you cant take the heat then quit newgrounds no one is holding you back, stop acting like we are all out to get you, you seem to say "You newground users" a lot, but seriously dude.. maybe we are a cult, maybe we are out to get you, who cares, just leave the site if you dont like us, thats sad. o__0

hm i have some friends who live in pottstown. i never liked the master mind series all that much either. Stampler is funny when he tries, but his best animations are horrible because of how outright sexually they are. It would be fine if he did it in a bit of a comical sense, but its like he is trying to animate an all out porn movie sometimes.

haha finally i find someone who agrees, al i get is hte comments. all the people here love that sexual stuff and i dont see why. who do you kno in pottstown, PA??