FF7 changed my life completely when it came to gaming.
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know i'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers... make sure your hands are clean." http://www.brysi.com
Age 34, Male
http://www.brysi. com
Pottstown ,PA
Joined on 9/25/08
FF7 changed my life completely when it came to gaming.
Final Fantasy IX was better
and have you even played Zelda: Orcarina Of Time?
also i dont think your 18
more like 10
zachary shane mcclune born july 8th 1990 i will be 19 in a month. the two best fina fantasy games are final fantasy 7 and final fantasy 10. and yes i have play orcarina of time and it wasnt that good its overhpyed.
you have that right ff7 is one of my best games of all time!
you have good choisies :)
ff7 is the best game i was young when i first played it and it rocked then and still does.
go to <a href="http://www.gamefaqs.com">www.gamefaqs.com</a> and vote for final fantasy 7
i guess Zelda is overhyped
i liked Ocarina of time and
Majora's Mask but i have not touched the series since
Top 10 Games:
01 The Sims 3 PC
02 Prototype X360
03 Pokemon Platinum DS
04 Final Fantasy VII PS
those 3 games dont deserve top 10 and REALLY dont deserve to be higher than FFVII
Look, shut the fuck up. I get it. You're a Final Fantasy fan. That doesn't mean any other game but Final Fantasy sucks. Get over yourself! Fine, FF is good. But that doesn't mean you have to insult people who like Zelda. Are you really 18? 'Cause you're an IMMATURE DICK.
final fantasy in gereral is just better then anyhting zelda thats all i say.
yes it does its in my pants.
wow zach.
when u gonna make tht flash?
when am i going to make what flash??
pacefull i wanna fuck yo gf she so fine n***aa!!!
you faggots dont know what your talking about FFVII was the best I unlocked everything.
I KNOW. best of all now only if they remade it for next gen consoles (ps2 or ps3 or Xbox 360) you know how much fucking money square enix would make?
you need a copy of FFVII copy and paste this link bro.
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-li">http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-li</a> sting/B00000JRSB/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=
UTF8&qid=1244611444&sr=8-1&condit ion=all
well fuck the URL fucked up anywho just Amazon it bro.
ok ill look it up on amazon. thaks ofr the help. i tried ebay but its gets way to high sometimes and i dont trust ebay.
lmao i will order a hooker but wat type?
it all depends on what you like. you might find a girl you could take a big shit on or piss on. or you could get black white spanish asian what ever you like. just try and not get a std filled one or oyur screwed.
Both games suck. There are tons of better games than that: Fallout 3, Bioshock, Gears of War 1&2, Assassins Creed, Star Wars BattleFront I and II, Timesplitters 2 and 3, GTA series, Metal Gear Solid and of course Halo 1, 2 and 3
kid fallout 3 wwas good but not that greaat you frogot about oblivion, bioshock was good but not all that good. gears of war 1 was ok and gears 2 sucks, assassins creed sucks way to boring and long and boring. star wars is boring and garbage. what ever timeslitters is? gta get very boring after 2 seconds and gt4 was the worst one. halo 1 sucked halo 2 good halo good. i hate how kids rate a game on online play. halo 3 campain was boring and sucked all it has is online play that makes it an ok game. you are judging a game thats on ps1 your only say they suck because of the graphics and that mean your opinion isnt valid. metal gear solid is great but none of the games you have said are even in ff7 league. the game has no challenge it has no games to compare to. its the one and only game that you can say is the best video game of all time. final fantasy 7 is the best video game to ever be made why do you think people are still paying hundreds of dollars to buy it. no one cares about zelda or any other game like that.
1. I'm not talking about graphics, I go by a genuine good game with a good story, character development and either great weapons, muliplayer or both.
2. Play TImesplitters. The guys who made Goldeneye for the N64 did that game.
4. Star Wars ain't garbage and at least has a more believe story and weapons than FF7 (A shrimpy blonde stick holding a sword the weight of a preteen? I don't think so)
4. Halo has more than Final Fantasy can ever have. Also at least it's easier to understand. Are they in a steampunk world or a futuristic Japan? make up their damn minds!
5.Gears 2 was fucking awsome. Loved the gameplay, the story, Dom's development and recovery over the loss of his wife. Not to mention a Chainsaw rifle beats that crappy sword anyday
6. I hate Zelda games so don't even go there
7.Who the fuck are you calling a kid? I'm 19 years old, a student at ODU and a contracted ROTC cadet with a set contract to graduate as a 2nd Lieutenant. I saw your pick off your emo girlfriends profile and you sir look like the kid and only little kids fued over if FF is better than Zelda or if Zelda is better than FF.
haha only pussy go to ROTC they cant handle anyhting real. go join the marines then ill have some respect.
1. gears of war 2 online play sucks, the game is just boring. how does he lose his wife and not even cry or get upset he barley showed and emotion the game sucks so many gltiches in both. gear of war is boring and crappy.
2. halo 3 is cool i like it but it has nothing on ff7. the story line is awesome the gameplay is awesome and the game is alot better hten anyhting you said.
3.golden eye sucked. i wont een try it now tha toyu said that.
3. ill give you a real list
oblivion elder scrolls iv
infinite undiscovery
star ocean
lost odesey
fallout 3
i dont need to go on and on and on about the great RPGS.
Two more great ones: The first Doom and Wolfenstien
Oh and let us not forget COD4 and 5. Nazi Zombie took it. Killing Nazis and Zombies at the same time? Pure gold.
call of duty 4 was good i like that game. impretty good at the online play. shitty none world at war sucks balls. online is like playing with a flat ball haha.
thanks for the insult or should i say not an insult fag gay or what ever you want to call liking the opposite sex isnt an insult. no im not gay i have a girlfrine/fiance so i dont think im gay and no its not a cover up. thanks for the comment anyway.
You have no skill at videogames,no skill at life, and most importantly, you are the worst pile of trast I have ever met.
thanks for the internet insults you hear just about everytime someone trys to insult you. no life no girl gay neer go outside and so many more thanks for the classic insults.
Way agreed. FF7 gave new meaning to my life.
well thats good i think. they just need to remake the game and stop being lazy . they would make a shit load of money if they remade it. that was the only thing wrong with ff7 was graphics and if they remade it with great graphics the game would be even greater.